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Showing posts from August, 2017


This blog will be reflections on my upcoming first year teaching. I am an ENL and French high school teacher. I hope to keep myself reflective, creative, and accountable through posting on this blog throughout the year. I aim to write about my experiences teaching. I may toy with pedagogical techniques I earn through PD (professional development) and PLN (Professional Learning Network) from Twitter and beyond. Teach Write is a company I found through Twitter aimed at helping empower teachers to be writers as well. Their current topic is joy. Below, I will unpack my feelings on joy and how to find it. Joy is a difficult one for me. As someone who plans, perhaps excessively in many areas of my life, joy is not necessarily something I come by easily. Joy is comfort and most of my life is lived in discomfort. I live in anxiety ridden dreams where I don't the job I already accepted or I can no longer reside in the apartment I already moved into. I find comfort in planning for every ...