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Showing posts from June, 2018


Pocket Something to hold something else To hold something special To hold something you don't want to lose Kangaroos have a pouch pocket to protect their young Pockets can protect things Pockets can hold things you didn't realize you still had Money An old picture A ticket A memory that you'd lost but that comes back when you reach into your pocket Holding onto things is not in fashion anymore Rid your life pf posessions Rid your life of stuff But pockets are small They can hold tiny pieces, small parts of moments you may want to hold onto


Childlike innocence How I long for the days When I didn't understand the darkness in the world I long for days of not caring Not caring about what I wore How I looked I just played and read and had fun I didn't have so many thoughts in my mind So many children, in our country and all over the world do not have joy Many children go through so much difficulty Many children do not have the careless freedom Many children never have this "childlike innocence" so many of us long for To be childlike is not always to be innocent To be childlike is to love firecely To be childlike is to find joy, even in difficult circumstances To be childlike is to play, to have fun, to not take things so serioudly As teachers we must protect our children We must help guide them to find joy, to play, to love Childlike wonder: to find something amazing in something ordinary I pledge to be more childlike To appreciate the good and the wonder in the simple things around ...


It doesn't just happen You have to work You cannot sit around And wait for things to come to you You have to go out You have to fight You have to work Life doesn't just happen You cannot remain still You cannot stay compalcenet You have to try To live To risk To dare You make it happen And if it happens, you know it was because of you Your effort Your bravery Your courage You have the power to make it happen


It's difficult to find joy in the darkness of the world today Families are being torn apart Children are lost and lonely Where can we find hope? They say to look for the ones helping There has been outpouring of support Cheers to those fighting for others Cheers to those supporting others Cheers to the people who smile at strangers Cheers to those who are speaking out Joy is often hard to find We are scared to remain joyful What if it doesn't last? What if it's selfish because others in the world are hurting? Cheer is something that is often in short supply Even in teaching Cheer is often viewed as naive or weak Cheers to educators who show joy about their profession Cheers to educators who provide comfort to struggling colleagues and students Cheers to those who never lose their passion Days are dark But cheers to those who find the light


Favors are hard for me. I do not like to ask help. I like to help others. I like to support friends and family and do favors for them. But for me a favor implies a debt to be rapid. You do me a favor and I do you a favor. If I ask for a favor, I owe you something. Favors are not my friend. A favor is a burden, an inconvenience, a difficulty. Favors are not my favorite.

Reaching the Finish Line

Grades are entered. Final Exams are finished and I am reaching the end of my first year of teaching. It has been a whirl wind. Looking back to where I was one year ago, graduated from grad school and so anxious for a job. After I got my job, I was so excited and terrified at the same time. Thinking back to my first day with my students, I didn't know how to be or who I'd be as a teacher. I was exhausted with what they call "decision fatigue", not realizing how many things I'd decide within a class period, let alone a full school day. I remember by December feeling drained, questioning everything, wondering if I'd make it out. New teachers get a lot of advice, often unsolicited, two pieces that stuck with me: 1) don't make a career decision during your first year and 2) have a life. There were many days, class periods, even moments where I thought is this really right for me? But I think that is a normal feeling for any teacher, for any person. The second ...