Challenging myself to participate in Teach Write's Daily Writing Project. Here is my writing today:
Growth is a challenge
Routines are comforting, yet can become dull
I thrive in plans and structure and schedules
However, struggles arise when I meet an unforeseen challenge
I want to expand my abilities to be flexible
I want to expand my mindset of what is a challenge
I always want to plan for every possibility and still become frustrated when I can't anticipate something
I want to expand my definition of difficult
I want to change my habits to become less frustrated by surprises
I want to express myself in someway everyday
I want to embrace challenges and celebrate the small victories
It is so easy to sit in the dark of the present
But I want to open up to see the light around me
Celebrate the everyday, the light that I don't always notice
i want to open up my mind to seeing what's already around me
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