Twas the night before semester 2
And all through the apartment
This teacher was stirring and couldn't quiet her mind
While I'm excited for a new semester, a new slate
I can't help but feel anxious
Will I be able to reset for classes that need it?
Will I get overwhelmed with grades?
Will I provide lessons that are dynamic, engaging, and relevant?
It is so easy to instantly self criticize
But I hope to use today as a pause
I can embrace the time to rest and relax before we jump in tomorrow
I can get caught up in how will the rest of the year go
But I'm using this moment to remind myself to take it one day at a time
Teaching is a career where each day we have the chance to start again
We get opportunities to constantly reflect and retool our craft
But I need to continue to practice balance
I can consume myself with constant self reflection which so often leads to self criticism
I will repeat my refrain "one day at a time"
Writing will have my back for the many ups and downs that are in store
For now, I will try to quiet my racing thoughts and focus on the now
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