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Long weekends are filled with plans
I'll get so much reading done
Maybe I'll practice the art of tidying up and clean my entire apartment?
I'm sure I'll write everyday

The best laid plans don't always come to fruition
I spent most of my weekend lounging and eating with friends
Watching hours of Netflix catching up on movies I hadn't yet seen

I used to get mad and down on myself for not completing things
I often view relaxation as wasteful and inefficient
ut now in my second year of teaching, I'm starting to relish the time off

Teaching is amazing and challenging and exhausting
I feel like I always have one million tasks on an ever-growing to-do list
Some days I barely sit down or have enough time to eat

So I'm grateful for time to reset
I'm not a superhero, or superhuman, or a robot

I am a person who loves my students and cares deeply
But I still need my rest

I need to put away my planner for a few days
I can let my backpack down and not think about my gradebook

I hope that my own reset practice will help me better help those in my life and be better prepared to give my students engaging lessons

Reset, reset, refresh


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